Lonely Wino, how?
The Lonely Wino wins again after a long haul.
How does a super slow to answer, distracted, doodling wino win a quiz? Well, you have as much of a clue as I do.
There is no picture available due to the threat of death, and my phone is an old iPhone 8 and I’m not sure the camera could take that sort of punishment!
It seems we are getting a lot of close finishes with it being very tight at the top of the scoreboard again this week. The Creepy Blinders were sitting at the top of the table after the main quiz three other teams just waiting to steal the lead. The nearest wins question, worth 100 points, was won by the Lonely Wino, which was enough to leap from 4th to take the win by 29 points.
After last week’s miserable performance by the Creepy Blinders, they had a blinding quiz this week and it looked like they had it in the bag only to be stolen from them, again!
Another eight teams occupied a 100-point bracket just below the top 4. It was the turn of the Scrambled Eggheads to do badly this week. They are also falling down the ranking of the teams and have an increasing handicap. This will serve you guys well in the near future and I am sure another win is calling.

Worst Team Of The Night
Tonight the crappy team award goes to one-time visitors Simple Minds finishing only 2 points behind the Dipshits and will receive the 50 Numpty Bonus boost next week; let’s see if they can take advantage of this. One question really does make a big difference whether you are at the top or bottom of the scoreboard.
Jackpot Games
We had no jackpot winner this week
The Play Your Cards Right jackpot continues to increase each week. Steven from the Dipshits had a nightmare playing PYCR tonight. On both attempts the second card went against the odds to end his aspirations of actually winning something for a change.
Next week’s jackpot will start at £130 plus whatever we take in entry fees on the night.
The BIG game, Open The Box, had a jackpot prize of £340 but it was not won tonight.
The jackpot will increase to £355 next week.
Cash Games Suggestion
Steven has been suggesting that I revert back to the PYCR game with real cards. This is the way I started doing this game way back long before the COVID debacle. This was successful when we had a handful of teams and plenty of space. It is effectively a better game than using the computer version but it has its drawbacks.
- I would need to carry additional kit in the van
- There really is not enough room to erect the stand at the Cuddie now due to the number of teams
- The game would only be visible to a few teams
- I could set up a phone on a stand connected to my laptop to broadcast what happens on the screens.
On point 1, I already have quite a bit of kit to carry for the quiz at the Cuddie and the stand etc would easily be damaged. It already takes me up to an hour to set up and troubleshoot before the quiz can start.
On point 2, there simply isn’t room for this so I would need to ask teams to vacate their tables and rearrange everything for this to work.
On point 3, the computer version allows everybody to see what is happening. I think it is important to have this as more people feel involved and it increases the element of tension.
On point no 4, this would take more tech and is more likely to cause even more delays.
At the very least, changing to real cards would increase the amount of time needed to run this game and we are already tight for time as you all know.
Cash Games Rotation
I know that the cash games hold a certain appeal with you all on a Thursday night but I am also aware that you each have your favourite and dislike others. To deal with this I am considering rotating the games instead of sticking with the same game for a number of weeks. So the plan would be to maybe do a game for a couple of weeks then move to one of the other ones. Each game would carry its jackpot value on to the next time it is being played. I would also be on the lookout for new games to offer.
It would be good to hear your opinions on this so feel free to comment here, contact me directly or comment on Facebook or other social media platform I post on.
Music Bingo
Our theme this week was ‘Bullvinneto’ featuring music and remixes from PitBULL, CalVIN Harris, David GuETa and TiesTO . I am always looking for new themes to base the music bingo on so if any of you have any ideas, I’d like to hear them
We paid £19 for a line and £47 for the full house. The Snowball of £20 was available if the full house was called on 44 songs or less.
The Hostess Trollies won the full house on exactly 44 songs to collect the £47 house and £20 snowball prizes. We had a very happy couple of guys going home with £67.
Join us again next week for another game of music bingo.
Facebook Posts
Please like and share as many of the Facebook posts I make as you can. I am hoping that this will bring the posts back into your feeds as FB prioritise posts depending on your interactions. I promise not to fill your feeds with junk. Hopefully, this will allow you to see the important posts without having to go looking for them.
Book Your Table Now!
It is even more important now than ever, due to an increase in teams attending the quiz, to make sure you book your tables in advance.
We now have a very large number of teams who return occasionally to play the quiz. All it takes is two or three irregular teams to turn up on any particular night to have the Cuddie at capacity. I would suggest getting onto the Cuddie Brae booking site a week in advance and reserving your favourite table. Click the image below to do just that.
If you are looking to attend on an ongoing basis then speak to Nick who will gladly help to get you a regular booking.
Direct link to the Cuddie Brae booking page: Book | Cuddie Brae | Greene King Local Pubs (greeneking-pubs.co.uk)
If you leave it too late and can’t book online, contact the Cuddie Brae directly by Facebook or phone on 0131 657 1212. You never know, your table ‘might’ still be available.
Get In Early!
It would be a great help if all teams could be there and ready for 715 pm. This will allow time to get any connection issues sorted as well as the handicapping in place and ready to start.
PLEASE PLEASE Please! If you have a table booked and cannot attend for some reason, LET NICK AT THE CUDDIE KNOW!
This is important for table management and creates issues if Nick is not informed. The bonus is Nick will appreciate your cooperation and will make sure he can accommodate you at future quizzes.
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